Picture of the Week

Picture of the Week
Anamorphic snowman

Monday, July 30, 2007

A photo essay from Ohio

Today we (Kyle Kurlick, Ana Lagunez, James Wagner, Daarel Burnette) drove to Ohio to watch the Chicago Cubs at Cinncinati Reds game. The day was full of personality.

Daarel (left) proceeded to harass James any way he could the whole day. From retort to counter-retort, Daarel was grouchy from a hang over after a night of drinking and go carts and not in the mood for James' usual banter. Daarel also likes to take pictures of James with his cell phone because James doesn't like it one bit.

When arriving in Newport, Kentucky across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, we ate at a semi-authentic German diner. Though it was 11am, I proceeded to drink a German wheat bier with my Talapia sandwich. Here you can see how straight my beard has been all summer. Nice and professional, eh?

With us was a small girl whose name I don't remember. She crawled around on the floor a lot and made cute faces. She was the life of the lunch.

We then walked across the Ohio River on a foot bridge because no good Kentuckian will park their car on the expensive and highly enforced roads and parkways of Ohio. The little girl got a ride because little girls can do that.

While at the game we sat next to a father and his boys who made a sign that read "Ken Griffey Jr., hit here" with a target drawn on the spot. When Griffey stepped up to the plate they jumped into the air with their sign. But an evil security guard made them sit down. In true journalism rebellion, photographer Bill Luster made his own, Ohio-approved sign.

Interns Kyle Kurlick and Ana Lagunez spent the whole day together. They're soo cute. Even the angry faces Kyle makes when he's pretending to think I'm evil for stalking him with my camera in the same way he stalks with his.

Kyle also secretly thinks he is god.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you've got some sassafrassy comments there, mr. mister.