Picture of the Week

Picture of the Week
Anamorphic snowman

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Last day - ode to my room

So this is what remains of my once prolific room. It was full of personality and memories (mostly of the womens who spent time with me watching porn, reenacting porn or discussing porn). There were also other things that I'm sure happened in my room that involved being fully clothed but really those aren't terribly interesting.

In any case, it's sad, really. I'll miss the hard wood floors that used to splinter and stab my feet; the window that is permanently stuck open because the crank broke off; the old style outlets that don't except three-prong plugs. But one thing I'll never forget: this is the room where Amy Beck saw my bare naked ass. Thanks for the memories room, you made me into a man but more importantly, taught my friends to knock first.

PS. Yes, it is absolutely necessary to say "Flanz-rack's blog" otherwise people might not know whose blog it is. Prude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see my story was important enough to wind up on your blog. I feel so important. Make sure you lock your door in Kentucky.