Picture of the Week

Picture of the Week
Anamorphic snowman

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My final A1(s)

My final duty as A1 designer yesterday consisted of a back to school CP for Kentucky/Metro and a deadline car crash for Indiana.

It was a good day full of late news, crazy business, communication, delegation and everything. It was like the Sagebrush again except professional so I was the only one swearing and everything worked out great and we made deadline.

So really the only thing like the Sagebrush was my swearing and late news stories.

The photos for these CPs were great and the managing editor even told me to make them bigger, "play with the headline" and "have some fun." I couldn't believe ears; we weren't in Kentucky anymore.

I was going to do some typography for the KY headline but the copy editor and I decided to go with a quote instead because it spun the story forward. The numbers were nice and the fonts (thanks to Patty's suggestions) were pretty.

Mark took over the Indiana A1 and I like that he centered the headline for me. It's a tragic story, the jump photo is pretty intense (the pole they ran into split in half probably only held up by the high tension electrical wires strung across them).

It was a good day.

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